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20230208_084930.jpeg calves at fence line.jpgcalves at fence line Summer heifers.jpgsummer heifers
family in corrals.jpgfamily in corrals Granddaughter with heifers.jpggranddaughter and heifers Mama & Twins.jpg
Licking the mirror.jpg Content mamas and calves.jpg Close-up!.jpg
2016 cattle overlooking Manitou Lake.jpg 2016 calves.jpg IMG_1915.JPG
IMG_1675.JPG IMG_2821.JPGHeart Calf 060_60.JPG
050_50.JPG 022_22.JPG 020_20.JPG
042_42.JPGAt watering hole IMG_1915.JPG IMGP7976.JPGNice view
IMGP3799.JPGLove for mom IMG_1692.JPGSummer beauty IMG_1597.JPGKeeping ears warm
IMG_1583.JPGSugar-coated heifers IMG_0048.JPGHeifer heaven 054_54.JPGHere's looking at you